Tuesday 23 July 2024

Arohanui Art & Education Trust

Te Puke Centre Blog 

Celebrating Matariki Day in Te Puke

We got to celebrate Matariki in Te Puke with all my friends and staff.  I wanted to achieve my goal of organising an event.  I helped make the Matariki tablecloth in Culture Group,  assisted to make the Banana Cake in Cooking Group, made the icing and then decided how I wanted the decorations and seating arrangements arranged. I was so proud of myself….(Hannah)


Helping out in the Community

We do voluntary work at the Salvation Army store. Today we sorted out a heap of books and priced them. We really enjoy chatting to the customers and helping out in our local community. 
(Keita & Porcha)

We collect donations and deliver them to our local Animal Rescue Centre in Te Puke. Normally it's towels, blankets and food. 
At least we know the rescue dogs and cats will be warm and dry. (Hannah & Jo)

Thursday 13 June 2024

 Arohanui Art & Education Trust

Greerton Centre

June 2024 Blog

Here at the Greerton Centre we have been busy exploring the wider community, slipping into 16th Ave Theatre for an exclusive tour for our Drama Group

Exclusive tours of the Tauranga Rescue Helicopter

We enjoyed our adventure at Marshalls Animal Farm, petting so many animals

Checking out the amazing local water park and tropical gardens is always a delight


We also get to do veggie planting so our cooking groups have nice fresh veggies straight from the garden

Some of us get to pick the fresh flowers from the gardens here, and make up the posies and deliver them to the Waipuna Hospice for the meal trays

Monday 1 April 2024

Wilrose Centre Blog ~ March 2024


Arohanui Wilrose Centre

March 2024 Blog 

Out and about in the Community

Fishing @ Salisbury Wharf

Trout Fishing

    Project Papatuanuku

Fun at the Park

Gardening @ Wilrose Centre

Park Outings    

Helping out at Foodbank

Dog Walks in the Community

Plant Shopping @ the Garden Centre

Team Work @ the Centre building the Tunnel House

Time with friends at Ferguson Park

Gym Time

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Arohanui Art & Education Trust - Te Puke Centre

Arohanui  Te Puke Centre

Every year our Te Puke Centre holds an annual show. 

We work hard all year, making costumes and props and love that the families and other Centres come to watch. 

We've recently held a Wearable Arts Fashion Parade and show with our Theme being 'Under the Sea". 

We all get to be on the stage and either dance, sing or mime to our songs. Once again it was a huge success.


Swimming: Most of us love swimming and 
we go weekly to Baywave

Overnight Camp
Six of us got to experience an overnight camp. We got to stay in a Villa in Papamoa. 
We learnt so much and had fun too...  
From BBQ's, to enjoying the Games Room, singing with the guitar, visiting the
parks and walks along the beach. 
It was so much fun camping with our friends in our villa.


Three of us volunteer at the local Salvation Army store. 
We get to sort out and price clothes, CDs, and books. We also meet and greet the customers at the door. 
It makes us  feel valued, as we meet lots of different people and we love it!


Monday 12 February 2024

Welcome to 2024!


Welcome back to Arohanui 2024!

It was great to end the 2023 year with the 

Petting Zoo visit to our Greerton Centre...

Welcome back to Arohanui Greerton
Kicking off the year with Sailability 


While the Gardening Group are growing beautiful flowers 
for the Waipuna Hospice

Lenaire enjoying
watering the garden
Roydon enjoying the garden

Some of us got to stroll around the Mount, 
others had loads of fun dancing in the Park.

A beautiful day for a walk around Mauao 
Dancing in the Park 🌞🌞🌞